Memoni Biryani

September 23, 2020

Memoni Biryani

Recently I’ve been trying out various types of “traditional” biryanis, using spice packets from the Indian grocery store (I’ve been using Shan spices from Trinethra). Today I made the Memoni biryani.
Fascinatingly, this biryani uses potatoes, green chillies *and* tomatoes - the new world trifecta. Part of the reason I use quotes around “traditional”. But this was not what I found really interesting. The key flavor of the biryani is “screwpine extract” - also known as “pandan”. Screwpine doesn’t grow anywhere *near* Kathiawar, where the Memonis live. So - what gives? Quick guess - the Memonis were traders, and trading by sea they got to Malaysia and got into Pandan flavor while visiting. Pretty amazing.

Screwpine habitat

Of course, I didn’t follow the instructions exactly - my family likes the crunchy “tadigh” rice so I dried out the curry and layered the rice on top of a pool of ghee to get the perfect crunch.

(Photo by Shreyak Singh on Unsplash)